- Are you one of these givers?
- Do you have a family that you support in many aspects?
- And a job that wants 100% of you?
- And a house that has never ending dishes and laundry?
There is a lot of pressure on women especially to be perfect at everything and the givers of the world. They give until they are drained.
Well I am here to give you permission to give to yourself. And you know what? You will be a better giver to others by making sure you are taken care of. I often ask patients to spend just 15 minutes daily plus 1 hour a week on yourself.

There are so many things you can do in 15 minutes. Here is a short list: meditate, give yourself a mani or pedi, do a facial, take a short walk, play with a pet, read a book for fun. I would love to see other ideas you have, so please leave comments.

For the hour weekly you can come get acupuncture and decompress from the past week. Let someone else take care of you for an hour! Acupuncture is fantastic at nourishing the mind, body, and spirit to rejuvenate you. With balanced Qi you will once again feel like yourself able to go out and nurture others. Some other ideas you could do for an hour are get a massage, take a yoga/tai chi/exercise class, or a pottery/painting class, how about an uninterrupted hour of planning a dream vacation... really the possibilities are endless.
Just like practicing any new healthy habit you will get better over time taking care of yourself. In the beginning it may seem hard to give your self permission to take the time, so that is why I am giving it to start. If you would really like to supplement your support beyond this permission letter then regular acupuncture treatments are highly recommended. Also, let your family know what you are doing and how it benefits them too. So you can be a better listener, a better homework helper, a better chef, and mostly able to love greater because your needs are met too.
I wish you all great gifts of time to yourself! I give you permission! You deserve it Super Giver!
-Jennifer P.