Monday, September 16, 2013

5 Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Your Life

Acupuncture is a pretty amazing Alternative Therapy and only a small percentage of people have tried it in America. Here are a few reasons to help you see how it can improve your own life. The great thing to remember about acupuncture is that it can only help or do nothing at all, it cannot make your symptoms worse or cause further problems. So why not give it a try. 

Here are 5 ways acupuncture can improve your life:

  1. Relieve Pain - So many people suffer with some kind of pain, either from an old injury or something recent that will go away easily. Either way, acupuncture can help. The number one reason people try acupuncture in America is for pain. Many are in chronic pain and let's be honest a life high on pain medications is no way to live. Chinese medicine usually says pain is a result of stagnation of either Qi and/or Blood, in order to reduce or clear pain we move Qi and Blood. 
  2. Increase Happiness
    Acupuncture will help you find balance in your life, your emotions, your thoughts; you will feel more clear. A lack of balance is exactly what acupuncture addresses. The practitioner listens to your pulses and finds areas of imbalance, either excess or deficiency such as a lack or energy flowing, and restores it by placing needles in certain acupuncture points. Acupuncture studies have been proven that particular points release serotonin and other happy endorphins to change your attitude. 
  3. Remember what Relaxed Feels Like - Acupuncture is great at changing your autonomic nervous system from flight or fight to rest and digest. Many people forget what rest and digest is with all the electronics and demands of today's world. However, it is an important part of your day to make this switch. It may prevent a future heart attack or other serious ailments.
  4. Improve Sleep
    There are hormones that you produce only in REM sleep and if you areunable to achieve REM then you are missing out on your bodies ability to function at its best. One of the best side effects of any acupuncture treatment is a great nights rest. Plus we can simply work on improving your sleep; whether the problem is staying asleep or falling asleep. 
  5. Strengthen Immune System - Also a strength of acupuncture and herbs is the ability to improve your immune system. Many patients report hardly ever getting sick when they come for treatments regularly, even when their kids bring home really nasty colds. In Chinese medicine we call your immune system Wei Qi and this is what we boost in your treatment to keep you healthy.