Thursday, October 30, 2014

Seasonal Changes as we Welcome Autumn in Tucson

Autumn is the time of year to consolidate, store up and prepare for the quiet and stillness of winter. It is the transition period between the most yang time of year (summer) and the most yin time (winter). It is time to be less active and scattered than previous months and more reflective and grounded. 
Autumn is the time of year to consolidate, store up and prepare for the quiet and stillness of winter. Find out more about how acupuncture can help at:

In Chinese medicine, the Fall season is represented by the color white, the climate of dryness, the Lungs and Large Intestine organs, the skin and body hair and the emotion of grief. If one has allergies, this is the season to fortify the lungs and prepare for the upcoming spring season. It is also an especially effective time to process grief and boost the immune system.

If you do feel symptoms of a cold, flu, or grief and sadness this time of year, please come see us. Acupuncture is great at helping ease the transition of the seasons and prevent sickness from developing. We also have an herbal pharmacy with great remedies and teas to help too. 
If you feel symptoms of a cold, flu, or grief and sadness this time of year, please come see us. Acupuncture is great at helping ease the transition of the seasons and prevent sickness from developing. We also have an herbal pharmacy with great remedies and teas to help too.

Eating foods that are more concentrated, slow-cooked and that grow beneath the earth are most beneficial in autumn; as are sour foods, since this flavor is more contracting in nature. 
Eating foods that are more concentrated, slow-cooked and that grow beneath the earth are most beneficial in autumn; as are sour foods, since this flavor is more contracting in nature. Find out more at

Some great foods to include this time of year are root vegetables, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, apples, olives, pickles, leeks, plums, grapes, yogurt and white pungent foods like garlic, turnip, cabbage and horseradish. Also warming foods such as ginger, cinnamon and clove help fire the furnace, so to speak, for the cooler days ahead.
If you feel symptoms of a cold, flu, or grief and sadness this time of year, please come see us. Acupuncture is great at helping ease the transition of the seasons and prevent sickness from developing. We also have an herbal pharmacy with great remedies and teas to help too.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment to help ease the transition of seasons and avoid sickness please call us at 520-881-0827. You can also visit our website at

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