Chinese New Year of the Sheep: February 19th
The sheep is of a Yin nature, which promises a more tranquil, loving and nurturing year than the previous one.

I feel so clear, strong and centered than ever before. I still fall over (a lot) and am waiting for that day when downward dog feels like a "resting pose," but each week I notice an improvement and I'm looking forward to watching how the practice shall continue to shape my world for the better.
The Green color and the Wood element of this year's sheep both symbolize growth and creativity. This is a year of working consistently toward one's goals with joy, embracing the Chinese saying, "Diligence applied to hard work ensures prosperity." It is with gradual and steadfast efforts that our dreams will manifest, for the good of all. This is a year of community, banding together and joining forces with others who believe in making the world a better place. Is there an art class you've been wanting to take or a singing, gardening or political group you want to be a part of? Now is the time to go for it and do that thing that makes your heart sing or the work that feels like your calling.
Now's the time to find your outlet and your people to share that interest and nurture that bliss. Is it an African dance class or getting on that bicycle more or writing a blog for that organization you're passionate about? Join forces with others and work together toward this goal, or find your support team to cheer you on along the way. I recently started painting again, something I used to love as a child, that I put on a shelf as an adult, telling myself I was too busy (learning and practicing Chinese medicine) or that I wasn't good enough to make it worthwhile. But the truth is, when I do make time to play, yes "play" and draw, paint or doodle, it is always fun and worthwhile, and that is the true goal, not the outcome on paper, but how soul-fulfilling it is. So this year, I encourage you to feed your soul and play more!
Now's the time to find your outlet and your people to share that interest and nurture that bliss. Is it an African dance class or getting on that bicycle more or writing a blog for that organization you're passionate about? Join forces with others and work together toward this goal, or find your support team to cheer you on along the way. I recently started painting again, something I used to love as a child, that I put on a shelf as an adult, telling myself I was too busy (learning and practicing Chinese medicine) or that I wasn't good enough to make it worthwhile. But the truth is, when I do make time to play, yes "play" and draw, paint or doodle, it is always fun and worthwhile, and that is the true goal, not the outcome on paper, but how soul-fulfilling it is. So this year, I encourage you to feed your soul and play more!
It is also a time to get back to basics and to use a greater intuition to find solutions to problems. This would be a great year to start a meditation practice or to take an existing one a level deeper. Spend more time in nature, a surefire way to tap into the slower pace of life and its answers. Qi Gong is also a wonderful, effective practice for increasing intuition. (Keep an eye out for our future blog on Qi Gong and its benefits coming up soon).
Are you thinking, "But what about my busy life and demanding job which remain at a hectic pace?" Well, it just may be that they shall seem less so this year, or that coping seems a whole lot easier. Do not be afraid to reach out to others and to seek out those modalities and tools to bring more peace and harmony into your daily life. The year of the sheep supports this.
Once you feel tapped into that calming, nourishing, joyful spirit of the sheep share those vibrations with those around you. Radiate them out into the world around you, touching every soul you meet. That's what the year of the Green Wood Sheep is all about. Enjoy it!
Are you thinking, "But what about my busy life and demanding job which remain at a hectic pace?" Well, it just may be that they shall seem less so this year, or that coping seems a whole lot easier. Do not be afraid to reach out to others and to seek out those modalities and tools to bring more peace and harmony into your daily life. The year of the sheep supports this.
Once you feel tapped into that calming, nourishing, joyful spirit of the sheep share those vibrations with those around you. Radiate them out into the world around you, touching every soul you meet. That's what the year of the Green Wood Sheep is all about. Enjoy it!